Pulse is a rapidly growing company and one of our key goals is to support and nurture talent within our own ranks. We are an exciting and growing company and we want all staff to have the opportunities to grow and advance with us.
We have taken on some young and capable talent and are currently supporting one of our employees through the Insurance Practitioner Level 3 Qualification. The employee will be given 6 hours of training time per week to study within his work shift to ensure they progress and have the necessary support from line management. Opportunities are available to all staff to pursue insurance related qualifications with support from the company.
The end goal is for that employee to become an underwriting assistant and to progress and gain promotions within the company. As we have grown a number of existing employees have gained promotions into more senior roles through dedication, application and a strong culture of development within our team.
We really look to invest in our people and give every employee the tools build a career with us. We will be looking to support more employees in the future and wish the best of luck to Sebastian Zuill in his studies.
We already have other potential employees taking advantage of the opportunities available and Pulse is happy to support and to reap the rewards of a more knowledgeable and appreciated staff.