Our team of five has over 90 years of insurance experience to underpin up their passion for providing a truly personal and expert service. Please do not hesitate to make contact directly for more information about our products and services. You can find direct contact details as well of brief bio of each the team below.
Head of Specialty
[email protected]
07846 594798
Joe is a very experienced PA/Travel underwriter with 20 years under his belt in the London market. He has previously held Underwriting positions at Towergate, Oval and Pen Underwriting. He was drafted in by Pulse to set up and head the Specialty Division back in August 2017 and utilised his numerous connections in Lloyd’s to source capacity and get the wheels in motion.
Outside of insurance, he is an avid Tottenham Hotspur fan and also manages his son’s junior football team, Swanscombe Tigers.
Richard Wigmore
Business Development Manager
[email protected]
07801 692464
Richard “Wiggy” Wigmore started working in the Lloyd’s and London Market in 1976. He has specialised in the Personal Accident, Illness and Travel arena for 36 years of his 44 years in the industry. Wiggy has had a close business relationship with Pulse and in fact had been involved with PA and group travel risks for the Pulse team for nearly 15 years.
He has been handling business development for the Specialty unit since June 2018. He continues to pride himself on the flexibility and service that he has been providing to the UK’s Insurance Brokers, many of whom he has known for in excess of 35 years.
He is married with 2 children and his interests include Golf, Fishing and Photography.
Head of Entertainment & Special Risks
[email protected]
07572 397849
Ben has over fourteen years’ experience in London market Personal Accident and Travel business specifically as a Coverholder. He has previously worked for Oval Insurance Broking, Pen Underwriting and the Salvation Army General Insurance Corporation. He specialises in entertainment risks such as touring bands and film productions as well as being involved in the charity business we write.
Outside of insurance he is a member of a band and an Arsenal season ticket holder.
Ben Broom
Head of Pulse Clarity
[email protected]
07305 082573
Ben has nearly ten years’ experience working for Aviva, St Benedict’s Limited and Pulse. He has experience with retail insurance and in the London market. He specialises in Group Travel Insurance, Personal Accident and Travel with medical conditions.
Outside of insurance he enjoys spending time with his family, good food and is a Norwich season ticket holder.