If your client has a policy with us and suffers a loss, claims can be made, and assistance can be received in the following ways:
This information relates to policies on our Travelers or Canopius binders with the following policy prefixes: PGT, PGC, PPA, PPS, PPT and PGA:
Illness or an Accident Abroad
In the event of Accident or Illness abroad which may lead to hospital treatment or curtailment of your trip, contact the dedicated Healix 24 Hour Medical Emergency Helpline. The assistance company will be solely responsible for all decisions on the most suitable, practical and reasonable solution to any problem, and all such assistance is subject to the prior approval of said assistance company
Healix International
Esher Green, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8AB, United Kingdom
Travelers Claims (Policy Numbers ending with a T)
24/7 Tel: +44 (0) 208 608 4052
Fax: +44 (0) 208 481 7721
Canopius Claims (Policy Numbers ending with a CN)
24/7 Tel: +44 (0) 208 608 4227
Fax: +44 (0) 208 481 7826
24/7 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.healix-international.com
Important Data That Should Be Provided To Healix International
Inform the Healix Co-ordinator that you/the patient are insured with Travelers or Canopius and provide them with your comprehensive contact details and company name
The patient’s full name, their sex, nationality and date of birth
The patient’s country of domicile
The patient’s occupation and the name of their line manager where relevant
The Contract of Insurance number shown on the schedule
The Period of Insurance shown on the schedule
A brief summary of the incident/medical problem, giving the patient’s current location, medical condition, as well as the names and contact details for any medical providers and treating medical team
Whether any costs have been incurred or deposits made and to which entity/person
Kidnap Abroad
If in the course of an Insured Journey an Insured Person is unlawfully seized our response consultants, Constellis, should be contacted.
In the United States of America: +1 713 918 6401
In the Rest of the World: +44 (0)20 7240 3237
Web-site: www.constellis.com
After The Event Claims
Should you need to make a claim for lost or damaged baggage, cancellation, Personal Accident claims such as Temporary Total Disablement, or any other loss incurred on an insured trip but not notified until your return home we will utilise our third party adjustor Sentry Solutions.
- In the event of an incident which causes or may cause a claim under this insurance, you must as soon as practicable and up to a maximum of 6 months from the date of such event, notify your broker.
- In the event of the Insured Person’s death resulting or alleged to result from an accident, notice must be given as soon as practicable and up to a maximum of 6 months from the date of such event, to your broker.
- You must provide your broker with all information we may reasonably require including a fully completed claim form.
- If in the course of an Insured Journey an Insured Person is unlawfully seized our response consultants, Constellis, should be contacted (please refer overleaf).
- In the event of lost or stolen baggage you must report the loss to the local authorities within 48 hours and provide confirmation of this along with copies of receipts and any other supporting documentation required to substantiate the claim.
Registering your claim
In the event of you having to make a claim under this Certificate, please register your claim online using the following URL:
For Canopius claims: www.sentrysolutions.co.uk/pulse_can
For Travelers claims: www.sentrysolutions.co.uk/pulse_tra
These policies will end in the suffix CN (Canopius) or T (Travelers)
For Combined Canopius/Travelers Claims (policies issued after 01.10.22): https://us-fnol.claims.global/PulseInsurance
If you are not sure which link to use please refer to your policy documents.
You can also register your claim over the phone: Sentry Solutions: +44 (0) 20 8667 2467
Please quote:
Scheme Code: A05318 for Canopius Claims
Scheme Code: A03253 for Travelers Claims
Crawford TPA, Ashton House, Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 2AH
[email protected]
01908 735318
Once you have been allocated a claims reference number, you can sign into the portal at any time, using the following information:
Claims reference number
Claimant’s last name
Claimant’s date of birth
Claimant’s postcode
How we deal with your claim
You will be asked to upload supporting documents via the claims portal. Once all documents have been uploaded, your claim will be assessed. If the documents uploaded are accepted/rejected, you will be notified by email. Sometimes it may be necessary for additional information or documents to be requested. If this is the case, you will be notified by email and on the portal itself.
If you have any queries regarding your claim, please contact the following:
Sentry Solutions, New Century House, 17-21 New Century Road, Laindon, SS15 6AG
+44 (0) 20 8667 2467
How to make a complaint
Our aim is to ensure that all aspects of your insurance are dealt with promptly, efficiently and fairly. At all times we are committed to providing you with the highest standard of service.
If you have any questions or concerns about your policy or the handling of a claim you should, in the first instance, contact the Broker who issued this insurance to you
In the event that you remain dissatisfied and wish to make a complaint, you can do so at any time by referring the matter to either:
One Lime Street,
London EC3M 7HA.
Tel: 020 7337 3700
Fax: 020 7337 3999
E-mail: [email protected]
or Complaints:
Lloyd’s Market Services,
One Lime Street,
London EC3M 7HA.
Tel: 020 7327 5693.
Fax: 020 7327 5225
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.lloyds.com/complaints
Details of Lloyd’s complaints procedures, including timescales are set out in a leaflet “Your Complaint – How We Can Help” available at www.lloyds.com and are also available from the above address. If you remain dissatisfied after Lloyd’s has considered your complaint, or, in any event, after a period of eight weeks from making your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS is an independent service in the UK for settling disputes between consumers and Businesses providing financial services.
The contact details for the FOS are:
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
London E14 9SR.
Telephone: 0800 023 4 567 (calls to this number are free from “fixed lines” in the UK)
or: 0300 1239123 (calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 and 02 numbers on mobile phone tariffs in the UK).
Email [email protected]
You can find more information on the FOS at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Making a complaint does not affect your right to take legal action.
Lloyd’s insurers are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the Scheme if a Lloyd’s Underwriters is unable to meet its obligations to you under this insurance. If you were entitled to compensation under the Scheme, the level and extent of the compensation would depend on the nature of this insurance. Further Information about the Scheme is available from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (10th Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St. Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU) and on their website: www.fscs.org.uk