National Heart Month is designed to raise awareness about the widespread problem of heart disease in the UK. The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is encouraging the nation to take some simple steps to improve their heart health. The BHF website has a mass of useful information about heart health.
Hearts have been in the news a great deal of late and not just because of Valentine’s Day. The story of Christian Eriksen, the celebrated Danish footballer, attracted a lot of attention when he collapsed with a cardiac arrest during a European Championship match that took place in June 2021. However, the recent news about Christian is astonishing. Following his collapse, he was fitted with an Implanted cardiovascular defibrillator. Unfortunately, he was unable to continue playing in the Italian Serie A due to league rules around the implants, however he was signed in January of this year to play for Brentford, a Premier League Club. A few years ago, it would have been unthinkable that he could have been able to resume play at such a high level after such a serious collapse, as was the case for Fabrice Muamba who was only 24 at the time of the incident. Eriksen’s case show the remarkable advancements in treatment for heart conditions that have occurred over the last decade.
Here at Pulse, we are always taking into account medical advances that enable us to provide Life Cover and other Insurance Protection in cases where the standard market maybe unwilling to offer terms.
It is always worth contacting us if a heart problem, or related problem such as High Blood Pressure or Raised Cholesterol is causing problems obtain the Life Cover required. You can find out more about our application process here.
To find out if cover may be available, please contact us on:
[email protected] or call the team on 01280 841430.
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