Most Pulse policies for European clients are placed with Lloyd’s of London, which is based in the UK.
For non-life business: Lloyd’s has created a new insurance subsidiary based in Brussels to write all non-life risks from EU and EEA countries. This subsidiary has been operating since 1st January 2019, enabling our partners and policyholders to retain access to the underwriting expertise of the Lloyd’s market. Pulse will therefore continue to provide cover for personal accident, group travel, income replacement and/or other general insurance risks placed with it by intermediaries in the EU and EEA, however the security will be Lloyd’s Insurance Company SA. Pulse’s customers should not notice any changes.
We are very happy to look at any new enquiries for EU and EEA Specialty business.
For life business: Pulse continued to write new business up until 29th March 2019 however we are now no longer able to consider new term-life enquiries for EU residents affected by any health issues. Pulse is working very closely with insurers to put in place alternative solutions but, unfortunately, until the Brexit uncertainty is resolved, Lloyd’s underwriters will not consider any new term-life business. Pulse does have access to some markets who continue to offer polices to EU residents but these are only available to expats or international travellers.
Pulse will continue to service existing term-life insurance contracts in the EU and EEA up until the expiry of the current policy. Many EU countries, including Ireland, have enacted legislation to protect consumers in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Pulse will take appropriate action to work with the relevant legislation and to ensure that it is able to support existing customers. Nevertheless, until the Brexit position is clarified, we will have to decline most new EU term-life enquiries.
We are extremely sorry for this situation and will continue to work hard to secure alternative solutions.
For questions about cover and for more details generally please visit our website:
Or contact one of the team on:
Telephone: 01280 841430 E-mail: [email protected]